速報APP / 社交 / MyWork by PeerBie

MyWork by PeerBie



檔案大小:180.1 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.4 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。

MyWork by PeerBie(圖1)-速報App

Today, everything is happening faster, more accessible and at the same time. These needs create new conditions in working life. Whether it is a business that manages different offices at the same time or a business that gathers all its employees under one roof, the performance and efficiency needs of each business are common. We develop various methods and approaches for productivity in workplaces with innovative technologies.

PeerBie MyWork comes to offer an entirely new application network that can meet the needs of organizations and organizations.

PeerBie MyWork was designed for organizations of all sizes. In addition, PeerBie MyWork's motto, which can be used by organizations that manage regional countries and departments under different roofs, is “all inclusive services”.

Believing in the importance of sharing the information flow in a democratic way among all employees, PeerBie helps strengthen the sense of belonging of individuals in the organization and increase productivity with the application of MyWork.

In this context, PeerBie MyWork offers solutions that meet in-house messaging, to-do lists and all other needs, in a more comprehensive, compact and affordable way compared to its competitors.

“Stop e-mail traffic”

MyWork by PeerBie(圖2)-速報App

The application, which is designed to manage the channels that the person belongs to and is responsible for in the workplace, as in his own life, is based on “channel communication” instead of e-mail traffic. People will be able to follow and filter and analyze messages on related and designated channels. Likewise, employees working in the application will be able to communicate with their customers and partners and work more organized, whether it is a central or branch / department building.

What's in my PeerBie MyWork?

After analyzing the sector, number of employees and basic needs of institutions, the application network service PeerBie MyWork, which can be designed specifically for institutions, will basically offer the following features:

-- Event and meeting management

-- One-to-one and group messaging

-- Staff guide

MyWork by PeerBie(圖3)-速報App

-- Product - company - place suggestions

-- Error - complaint management

-- Edit post confidentiality

-- Survey service

-- To do list

-- Collections: Special collections for individuals, teams and projects

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-- Channels: Open, closed, hidden and external channels

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